Figure 3-8
The arrows indicating phase of reflected sound are mislabeled in the lower image. Both should be compression, as shown here:
Figures 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, and 4-6 (pages 38-40)
The frequency labels are awkwardly placed below the image. Here are versions that are more clear:
Figure 4-1
Figure 4-2
Figure 4-3
Figure 4-6
Figure 4-15 (page 45)
The vowel labels for /a - O - o - u/ are inverted on the image. The correct placement is shown here
Page 69 & Figure 5-30
This text was significantly revised for the second printing. For books purchased prior to January 1, 2013, clik here to download a pdf version of the new page as appears in the current printing.
Figure 5-31 (page 71)
The caption for the Airflow window should read 120-320 ml/s (not 12-32)
Figure 5-32 (page 71)
The caption for the Airflow window should read 210-360 ml/s (not 21-36)
Figure 5-33 (page 72)
The caption for the Airflow window should read 210-270 ml/s (not 21-27)
Figure 5-34 (page 72)
The caption for the Airflow window should read 190-490 ml/s (not 19-49)
Figure 8-13 page 117)
There is a typo in the image title, which should be Constrictors (not contrictors, as is seen in the first printing)
Chapter 9: Health
For the first printing, there are several variances between the textbook and the computer program. In all cases, the computer program is more complete and should be considered correct (the DVD has additional information, not corrected information). Books purchased after January 1, 2013 have the text and DVD in complete agreement.
Page 149, second paragraph
An important word was omitted in the fifth sentence of this paragraph in the first printing. The correct text appears in the second printing, as follows:
Unfortunately, this distinction does not mean the transition is problem free.
Page 154, last line of the page
The first printing included an unfortunate typo. The penultimate sentence should read: "But is this version of reinforced falsetto actually produced by Mode 2 vibration?" (the initial printing incorrectly stated this as Mode 1 vibration).
Figure 11-5 (page 163)
The label for the anterior digastric muscle was misspelled in the first printing.
Corrections to the Your Voice computer program, pb 071612
Chapter 8, example 14 (only in the program portion examples keyed to printed text)
The internal intercostal muscles were indicated incorrecly (the markers actually point to the external intercostals). The correct image and ID is provided with the current version of the program.